Concert no 16

Journey To The Soul Of Iran

Day: 5 October, 2023
Time: 18:30
Location: The Round Hall

An Insight into Journey To The Soul Of Iran Concert

Hannah was born in Iran and fled to Israel with her family at the age of 12 following the Islamic Revolution. Despite the years that have passed since then, she has meticulously preserved her culture, roots, and mother tongue through her musical endeavors and life journey. In her performance, Hannah uniquely bridges the delicate thread between East and West - Iran & Israel: "The concert is an invitation to a heart journey, the land where I was born, the escape to Israel, and the inevitable connection to Persian song, ancient and noble culture, and the Sufi spirit in Konya, Turkey.

Concert Duration: Approximately 75 minutes, without intermission.

The Performers

Hanna Jahanforooz - Singer
Idan Armoni - Guitars
Ben Dagovitch - Percussion
Lillian Betzalel - Persian Ney & Woodwind
Noa Miriam Primer - Dancer


Price: 120 NIS
Price: 120 NIS

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